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The following materials will help you get the most out of the ServiceDigiCulture toolkit and training:


1. The PDF on Service Design explains what service design is.

2. The Service Competency Framework Report on service innovation and service development in cultural and creative sectors.

3. The ServiceDigiCulture Handbook for people working in cultural and creative sectors using the toolkit provides instructions for using the toolkit, learning service innovation and rethinking services during and after the training.

4. The Handbook for trainers provides support to trainers working with people in cultural and creative sectors.


5. The Sustainable Strategic Foresight Guide helps people working in the cultural and creative sectors foresee, understand and react to societal and sectoral changes using service innovation. The guide will enable purposeful service innovation linked to strategy, sustainability and foresight.

Work Desk
Image by Nick Morrison

Training needs report and competency framework


Handbook for using 
ServiceDigiCulture training and 

Image by Austin Distel

Strategic Foresight Guide


ServiceDigiCulture Handbook for the Trainers

Erasmus flag


Digital and Sustainable Service Innovation for the Cultural and Creative Sectors


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@All rights reserved, ServiceDigiCulture, 2021

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