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Service Design model


Introduction – What is this phase?


At the final phase of the CREATE service design model, ‘Exiting’, the service is finalised to be launched to the markets for customers to use. This means meticulous and detailed planning of all its aspects, responsibilities, delivery (who delivers it, when and how), materials, equipment, resources, and follow-up activities. Such process is supported by an implementation roadmap. Preparing the product to markets may also include internal training for the service within an organisation. 

The Exiting phase is not the end of development efforts at the finalisation of the service. At this stage service presentation and follow-up activities, such as readiness to change the service when needed, should also be taken into consideration and planned. During its lifetime, feedback of the service should be collected regularly for potential improvements, updates, variations, and to see which phase of its lifespan the service is at.

Why is it important for cultural and creative sector?


Exiting means making a service ready for its implementation and follow-up activities during its usage. It is not a plan on a blueprint anymore, but a real service applied and delivered to customers in real situations having to meet the needs and expectations of the customers which leaves little space for mistakes. Especially with lower income sectors like cultural and creative sectors, where the service is the product or an important part of it, careful planning of the final steps is of the utmost importance. Planning exiting and follow-up activities carefully, may lead to higher customer satisfaction, the ability to react to future changes, and reduce costs and time consumption leaving more time for other activities and product creation. As this phase, service follow-up, improvement and development activities should be continuous and part of daily activities, in line with the responsibility of the creator towards the customer.

Case study

At the Exiting phase, the service is finalised in such way that you can rely on its use in different contexts and with different customers. In the same way that a car must exit from the development chain all doors the same sizes, painted, everything tested and ready to use, a service must be carefully finalised in all its details. For example, an implementation roadmap can be used for planning the finalisation activities. A feedback map instead helps to collect user information on the finalized product to use for the company’s benefit.

A feedback map instead helps to collect user information on the finalised product and use it for the company’s benefit.

End results of this phase

An implementation roadmap for the service, a vision statement to help in marketing and presenting the service, and follow-up activities created to be implemented after the launch of the service, have been created.

Tools of this phase

Stating aims and vision for the delivered service.

Vision Statement.png

Visualising collected feedback for monitoring.

Feedback map.png

Continuous follow-up of points of contacts between customer and service provider.

Touchpoint follow_up evaluation.png
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Digital and Sustainable Service Innovation for the Cultural and Creative Sectors


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