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Touchpoint analysis.png



1-3 hours

Learning material4.png
  • Paper minimum A3 of size, or a flipchart, or a whiteboard

  • Markers of different colours, and pens

  • Sticky notes

What is this tool and what is its purpose and benefit?


Touchpoints are the points of interaction between the organisation and the customer. These could be booking a train online, a visit to a physical therapist, or seeing an advertisement of the brand online. Touchpoints are part of the customer (user) journey and experience, but also moments of truth when a service’s functionality and user-orientation are tested and a customer forms an opinion of the service and company. Therefore a careful analysis of a new service’s touchpoints is elemental. Guiding users through the journey and touchpoints interviewing them can provide plenty of data about their experiences, expectations, functionality and what makes sense in touchpoints.


Steps how to use this tool in practice

The same steps apply when working individually, in pairs or in a group.


Create a customer journey map for the service to be tested. You can create it on a big sheet of paper or a whiteboard. Write the name of your service, your company, or yourself on the top of the paper and start marking out the service step by step. You can use pens or markers of different colours or sticky notes to support the process. The benefit of sticky notes is that you can move them around when needed.


On the template, under each customer journey step, mark all the touchpoints, that is points of contact between the customer and the organisation. These should be all online and offline channels, such as emails, advertisements, customer service moments in the organisation, brochures, performances, and so on.


Prepare interviews. Invite 3-5 customers for qualitative interviews. Interview each of them by going through the touchpoints. You can formulate questions to help you to ask about:

  • Their general comments and opinions on the touchpoints

  • What seems to work, what does not, what makes sense and what does not, what could be added and what should be eliminated

  • Their reactions and opinions, both positive and negative

  • Their expectations

  • Their experiences on similar services and touchpoints.


Write down all answers and analyse them by listing under each touchpoint what works, what does not work, what makes sense and what does not, what could be added and what eliminated, and any other information and emotions expressed. You can write these directly under or write on sticky notes. The benefit of sticky notes is that it is easy to move them around.


Make a touchpoint improvement report based on the findings.

Tips and hints for using this tool

  • Cultural elements may impact opinions on the touchpoints.

Other tools of this phase

A detailed, specific, written overview of the service.


A matrix to evaluate the quality of the prototypes for final selection.

Evaluation matrix.png

Testing usability of a prototype.

Usability testing.png

Stakeholders evaluating prototypes.

Evaluation workshop.png

Pilot testing the final prototype before finalising it.

Piloting concept.png

Creating a value proposition.

Value proposition canvas.png
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Digital and Sustainable Service Innovation for the Cultural and Creative Sectors


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